Sermon Clip

Where Are You Living?

August 29th, 2024

It’s very tempting to think that the walls of our existence are safe, especially in a place like Charlotte. Many of us, very nice things, many opportunities, many privileges, and nice homes and savings and retirement, and try to be good people and try to get the best things for our kids and look forward to retirement or some vacations, and surely the lines have fallen for us in pleasant places. You may think to yourself, the walls are all secure around me, and they’re not. As we know it only took marching and trumpets and yelling for the walls of Jericho to come a-tumbling down.

You and I will have even fewer defenses in the day of judgment. There is a time coming and it will only be those who have heard and believed and have entered in to the household of faith that will be saved.

Where are you living? Where are you really living? Is your heart dwelling in the house that is marked with the scarlet cord in the window? With the blood across the doorpost and the lintel? That when the judgment comes, in that place and in that place only, you can be saved. Let’s pray.

This clip is part of the sermon “A Scarlet Cord of Salvation” delivered by Dr. Kevin DeYoung at Christ Covenant Church in Matthews, NC on August 25, 2024.