Do you remember as a kid watching the Cosby Show (or, insert a relevant sitcom of your choice here) and about once a year they’d do a “best of” montage episode? It would usually involve Cliff and the kids reminiscing about all the whimsical events in their family’s history. I’m sure it was a cheap and easy way for the NBC to crank out another new episode, even if “new” meant splicing together the best scenes from the past. Still, I always liked those shows and enjoyed laughing at the same things for a second time.
In the spirit of such classic montages, I offer this blogging trip down memory lane.
According to Word Press this is my 1000th blog post. I thought it might be interesting (and easier than writing a new episode) to take a look at the most popular posts since I started blogging almost three years ago.
Top Ten Blog Posts
Here are the posts with the most pageviews.
1. My review of Rob Bell’s Love Wins. No surprise this has been the most popular post (or unpopular as the case may be).
2. After the Rob Bell story (and Justin Taylor’s post) starting going viral, I wrote this piece on the Bell Brouhaha.
3. Have you ever felt overwhelmed as a parent? I have. So I wrote Parenting 001. This is one of the posts I most enjoyed writing.
4. Yes, there is one more Rob Bell post in the top ten. To Hell With Hell is what I wrote when the video first went public.
5. I have tremendous respect and appreciation for David Platt. He is incredibly humble, earnest, and sincere brother. I am glad I could do this back and forth with him on Getting to the Root of Radical.
6. I’m not sure who would have read Cautions for Mere Christianity were it not for John Piper’s tweet about it.
7. This brief post, There Never Was Such Another, included a moving excerpt about Charles Hodge’s love for his wife.
8. Posts on patriotism, church, and the military are always bound to generate interest, as I found when I wrote Thinking Theologically About Memorial Day.
9. I wrote Play the Man to weigh in on some controversial comments about effeminate worship leaders.
10. I thought themes in The Hole in Our Holiness was so important I decided to write a book on it.
Honorable Mentions
There are two posts that made the Top Ten, but because they are a little different, I’ll mention them here instead. Jason Helopolous’ article on Good Reasons for Moving On was a great article and garnered more traffic than 993 of my posts. My recent post on Reasons for the ESV also made the top ten, but I mention it here because it wasn’t a post as much as a link to my booklet on the ESV.
Top Ten Monday Morning Humor
And what would a blog retrospective be without a look at laughter. Here are the posts you seem to think are the funniest, cleverest, and bestest.
1. Words we say wrong (very clever)
2. Animals saying funny things (the British accents just seal the deal)
3. Lutheran Airlines (Garrison Keillor eat your heart out)
4. Bill Cosby trying to understand a lady from South Carolina (Cosby is a master at strange interviews)
5. Julian Smith’s uMove (this guy is consistently clean, funny, and odd)
6. Julian Smith’s “I’m Reading a Book” (I’ve probably watched this a hundred times)
7. Jimpressions (extremely impressive)
8. Mouse bench presses mousetrap (my kids’ favorite)
9. We all have our personal El Guapos (homiletical gold right there)
10. Swagger Wagon (this guy was funny in the Sonic commercials too)