
A Call to Remember

June 28, 2012

The only thing more difficult than finding the truth is not losing it. What starts out as new and precious becomes plain and old.  What begins a thrilling discovery becomes a rote exercise.  What provokes one generation to sacrifice and passion becomes in the next generation a cause for rebellion and apathy.  Why is it that denominations and church movements almost always drift from their theological moorings?  Why is it that people who grow up in the church are often less articulate about their faith than the new Christian who converted at forty-five?  Why is it that those who grow up with creeds and confessions are usually the ones who hate them most?

Perhaps it’s because truth is like the tip of your nose-it’s hardest to see when it’s right in front of you?

No doubt, the church in the West has many new things to learn.  But for the most part, everything we need to learn is what we’ve already forgotten.  The chief theological task now facing the Western church is not to reinvent or to be relevant, but to remember.  We must remember the old, old story.  We must remember the faith once delivered to the saints.  We must remember the truths that spark reformation, revival, and regeneration.

The Scriptures are fully true. Jesus is fully God. The Father appoints. The Son accomplishes. The Spirit applies. God created the world from nothing. God oversees everything. God can do whatever he wants, and he wants you to work hard. We are forgiven at the cross. We are justified by faith. We must show our faith with good deeds and holy lives. Jesus is our substitute. Jesus is the only way. Jesus is coming again to judge the living and the dead. Hell is terrible and forever. Heaven is eternal and better than we can imagine. Come to Christ. Come to the cross. Come and die, and behold, we live. Keep on saying these things over and over. And don’t ever forget.

Portions of this post were taken from The Good News We Almost Forgot.

This content was originally published on The Gospel Coalition

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