
A Prayer on Election Day

November 8, 2016

Father of lights, we thank you for every good and perfect gift. We praise you as the one with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change (James 1:17).

As we come to this Election Day, we ask for wisdom, knowing that you love to give generously to all without reproach (James 1:8).

Forgive us for all the times, especially during this campaign, where we have been quick to speak and slow to listen. Forgive us for too often exhibiting the anger of man that does not produce the righteousness of God. May we put away all filthiness and rampant wickedness and receive with meekness the implanted word (James 1:19-21).

Make us doers of the word, not hearers only (James 1:22).

Grant that our religion may be pure and undefiled before you. Give us a heart for the orphan and the widow. Keep us unstained from the world (James 1:27).

We thank you for the many freedoms we enjoy in this country—for the rights to worship, to speak, and to assemble. We thank you for the part we can play in self-government by casting our votes today. We confess we are often discouraged by the choices before us. Shape us by your truth so that realistic discouragement does not give way to cynicism and hopelessness.

Despite our many failings and sins as a nation, we pray that in your mercy you would give us better leaders, legislators, and judges than we deserve. May those elected to public office in America be men and women of high character, good judgment, and uncommon ability. May their policies promote human flourishing and protect the lives of the most vulnerable at home and abroad.

Help each one—from the President of the United States to the county drain commissioner—to act as servants, not as lords.  Give them open minds, humble hearts, and an unswerving commitment to think of others more highly than they think of themselves.

We ask for your blessing that we might continue to be a free and prosperous people. And if you do not mean to bless us as a country, empower the church to remain faithful and steadfast in the midst of judgment.

Grant us the courage to stand up for what is right, the strength to try to make a difference, and the gospel-formed humility to accept that there are no Messiahs except for Jesus and no heaven on earth except the one awaiting us at the end of the age.

Come, Lord Jesus, come quickly. Amen.

This content was originally published on The Gospel Coalition

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