
Book List

January 30, 2010

Note: the whole book list accidentally got posted. It was only supposed to be the last month.


1. Joshua Harris. Dug Down Deep. Harris has put the cookies near the bottom shelf. And that’s good, because they’re real good cookies, and he serves them up warm and ready to eat.

2. Graham A. Cole. Engaging With the Holy Spirit. Cole tackles questions like “What is Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit?” and “How Does the Spirit Fill Us?” The chapters on resisting, quenching, and grieving the Holy Spirit started to cover the same ground, but all in all this was a great book. Highly recommended as an introduction to the Holy Spirit. Very “engaging.”

3. C. John Miller. Outgrowing the Ingrown Church. Over twenty years old, I hadn’t read this before. I found it honest and challenging, with plenty of food for thought. It made me think and pray which are two of the best things a book can do.

4. Adam S. McHugh. Introverts in the Church: Finding Our Place in an Extroverted Culture. A poignant and personal reminder of how extroverted churches can be and how out of place introverts can feel. I would have liked to see the book connect more with gospel issues and travel less in psychological and therapeutic categories.

5. Brian Croft. Visiting the Sick. Practical, wise, helpful, and brief. A good combination.

This content was originally published on The Gospel Coalition

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