What is book week you ask? Only the most anticipated blogging event of the year!
Ok, so this is the first time I’ve had a Book Week and I’ve only been blogging for a year. So I can neither confirm nor deny that this will be the highlight of your internet year. But I am excited about this week’s posts.
Tuesday, December 15
T4G Four Books – A few of the T4G heavyweights weigh in with their list of four great reads from 2009
Wednesday, December 16
Books to Look For – A couple publishers give a sneak peek into next year’s lineup.
Thursday, December 17
More Books to Look For – A couple more publishers recommend upcoming titles that should interest the evangelical and reformed crowd.
Friday, December 18
Top 10 of 09 – What were ten best Christian books I read in the past year? You’ll know by the end of the week.