
Here are more books to watch as given to me from two more publishers. There are several I definitely plan to read in the coming year.


Grounded in the Gospel, Building Believers the Old-Fashioned Way
by J.I. Packer and Gary A. Parrett

us, the Only Way to God; Must You Hear the Gospel to be Saved?
by John Piper

On Earth As It Is In Heaven, How the Lord’s Prayer Teaches Us to Pray More Effectively

by Warren W. Wiersbe


The Essential Edwards Collection
by Owen Strachan and Doug Sweeney (Feb.)

A series of five books covering Edwards’ life and major writings.  They unearth the choicest treasures of Edwards’ writings and present them to lay people for discovery and personal transformation.  The wisdom of Edwards is brought in all its heat and light so that the people of God might drink deeply from the Scriptures.

(Jonathan Edwards: Lover of God; Jonathan Edwards on Beauty; Jonathan Edwards on the Good Life; Jonathan Edwards on Heaven and Hell; Jonathan Edwards on True Christianity)

When Life is Hard
by James MacDonald (Jan.)

When life is hard we often spend all our time pleading, begging, yelling, refusing, and questioning.  While not unusual, these miss the ultimate point.  Instead we are called to display the superiority of the life lived in God. In those moments of despair, when we question what is happening, when we don’t know what to do, when some trials never seem to end, we can lean most heavily into God’s promises and truths.

The Gospel for Muslims

by Thabiti Anyabwile (April)

The Muslim population in the US is growing.  They are our neighbors and co-workers.  This book is not an exhaustive apologetic or detailed comparative study of Christianity and Islam.  Rather, it compellingly stirs confidence in the gospel, equipping the reader with the basics necessary to communicate truth clearly, boldly, and winsomely.

The Good News We Almost Forgot
by Kevin DeYoung (April)

The chief task now facing the Western church is not to reinvent or to be relevant, but to remember.  This book explores the riches of the Heidelberg Catechism in 52 brief chapters and winsomely blends a love for theology with a warm-hearted experiential faith.  The gospel summarized in the Heidelberg Catechism is glorious, it’s Christ gracious, it’s comfort rich, it’s Spirit strong, it’s God sovereign, it’s truth timeless.

Reaching and Teaching
by David Sills (April)

Most Christians know and understand that we are to reach the lost around the world.  While evangelism and church planting are essential components of a biblical missions program, they are not sufficient for the complete task.  This book surveys missions strategies and methodologies that have increasingly replaced Christ’s Great Commission instructions even as they have sought to fulfill it.  A clarion call to return to the biblical task of reaching and teaching the nations for Christ’s sake.