Now that I’ve been blogging for awhile I get a lot of books sent to me. Many of them are by people I know. Most of them look good. We really have an embarrassment of riches in this country when it comes to good Christian resources.
But alas I can’t read most of them. Here are some of the books I’ve gotten in the last few months that I’d like to read if I had more time.
Graham Beynon. Planting for the Gospel: A Hands-on Guide to Church Planting (Christian Focus, 2011).
Short, British context, case studies.

David Helm. One-To-One Bible Reading: A Simple Guide for Every Christian (Mattias Media, 2011).
Really practical book on how to read the Bible with someone else.

Alex Chediak. Thriving at College (Tyndale, 2011).
Could make a good graduation gift.
Trevin Wax. Counterfeit Gospels: Rediscovering the Good News in a World of False Hope (Moody, 2011).
Trevin is a clear writer. This book is a good diagnostic on false gospels in our world.

David W. Jones, Russell S. Woodbridge. Health, Wealth & Happiness: Has the Prosperity Gospel Overshadowed the Gospel of Christ? (Kregel, 2011).
Looks like a great resource for people swallowed up in this theology.
Mike Wilkerson. Redemption:Freed by Jesus from the Idols We Worship and the Wounds We Carry (Crossway, 2011).
Paul Tripp calls it “a wonderful piece of gospel work.”

Justin S. Holcomb, Lindsey A. Holcomb. Rid of My Disgrace: Hope and Healing for Victims of Sexual Assault (Crossway, 2011).
I’m sure I’ll be recommending this to victims of sexual assault.
Joe Thorn. Note to Self : The Discipline of Preaching to Yourself (Crossway, 2011).
Short Practical chapters.
Michael E. Wittmer. Christ Alone: An Evangelical Response to Rob Bell’s Love Wins (Edenridge Press, 2011).
Started reading this. Wittmer is a good thinker and is to be commended for issuing the first book length critique of Love Wins.
Brian Croft, Phil A. Newton. Conduct Gospel-Centered Funerals: Applying the gospel at the unique challenges of death (DayOne Publications, 2011).
Brian is a good mentor with practical ministry concerns like this.
Andreas J. Kostenberger, Robert W. Yarbrough. Understanding the Times: New Testament Studies in the 21st Century (Crossway, 2011).
Doug Moo’s chapter on justification in Galatians is excellent. I look forward to reading more.
Kenneth J. Stewart. Ten Myths About Calvinism: Recovering the Breadth of the Reformed Tradition (IVP Academic, 2011).
Meant to be a help to friends and foes of John Calvin.
Timothy Keller. King’s Cross: The Story of the World in the Life of Jesus (Dutton, 2011).
I’ve heard great things, just haven’t had time to dig in. Maybe I will once I finish my own series on Mark.
Gregg R. Allison. Historical Theology: An Introduction to Christian Doctrine (Zondervan, 2011).
Designed as companion to Grudem, this would be a good resource to have on your shelf.