Now that I am an official student again I have to be more disciplined about what I read. That means I see lots of intriguing and excellent books being published that I won’t likely find time to read all the way through (at least not in the immediate future). I have a stack of nine new books on my floor that I’ve been wanting to read, but, alas, have to put on the shelf for the time being. I’ve thumbed through all of them and have heard good reports that they are books worth your time consideration.

Gary Millar and Phil Campbell, Saving Eutychus: How to Preach God’s Word and Keep People Awake (Mattias Media). This looks like a very practical book for preachers. It came highly recommended to me by Alistair Begg. I looked at the chapter on illustrations and found it very helpful.

John D. Currid, Against the Gods: The Polemical Theology of the Old Testament (Crossway). I will definitely read this before I return to the Pentateuch in my preaching schedule.

Brett McCracken, Gray Matters: Navigating the Space Between Legalism and Liberty (Baker). From what I read I’m pretty sure I would draw the line differently on some matters (especially when it comes to sex in movies), but on the whole it seemed a very thoughtful and balanced discussion.

David Murray, Jesus on Every Page: 10 Simple Ways to Seek and Find Christ in the Old Testament (Thomas Nelson). I’m excited about this book because preachers need to find Christ in the Old Testament, but they need to do it responsibly.

Heath Lambert, Finally Free: Fighting for Purity with the Power of Grace (Zondervan). We need more good resources about pornography. I’ve heard this is going to be one of the must-haves.
Wayne Grudem and Barry Asmus, The Poverty of Nations: A Sustainable Solution (Crossway). A defense of the free market as an economic and spiritual good–students, pastors, and regular parishoners should read this before trying to speak above our pay grade about wealth and poverty in the world.
Matthew Barrett, Salvation by Grace: The Case for Effectual Calling and Regeneration (P&R). I’ve been excited about the books I see Barrett pumping. This one is supposed to be excellent.

Thomas R. Schreiner, The King in His Beauty: A Biblical Theology of the Old and New Testaments (Baker Academic). There have been a number of remarkable biblical theologies published in the last few years. Unfortunately, this is another one that I don’t have time at present to really digest.

Matt Chandler, To Live Is Christ, to Die Is Gain (David Cook). It’s harder than you might think to find solid, engaging, accessible books that take you through Scripture. I’d be surprised if this journey through Philippians is not a good example of one of those books.