
2 Corinthians 9:6-15

By their approval of this service, they will glorify God because of…the generosity of your contribution… (v. 13)

God loves a cheerful giver, which according to the old preacher’s joke means that if you aren’t happy giving your money away, keep giving until you are. Actually, it means something much more serious. Our generosity has profound potential to bring God glory. Miserliness, on the other hand, has great potential to sour the effect of the gospel in our lives and others.

In assessing you own level of generosity or stinginess ask yourself, “Does my lifestyle lead others to give thanks to God for his glory?” (v. 12) Do people see how your sacrificial giving and say, “Wow! Praise the Lord for her generosity. It’s amazing how she trusts God and loves his kingdom.” Or do they marvel at how someone so loved by God could be so greedy? Ask yourself, “Does my lifestyle demonstrate obedience to the gospel to the glory of God?” We worship a God who gives freely and lavishly (v. 15). Is this kind of giving reflected in your checkbook? Finally, ask yourself, “Does my lifestyle keep the free flow of grace going to the glory of God?” (v. 14)  People have given to us. Will we clench their grace tightly or let it flow freely to someone else? Let money slip through your fingers into ministry and let God get the glory.