
Controversies and Conversations II: John Murray, Meredith Kline, Federal Vision, N.T. Wright, Israel

Most believers in the Reformed tradition are familiar with the language of covenant. We hear terms like covenant membership or covenant baptism, and yet we may still have a hard time explaining what we mean by “covenant.” Why is this theme so important in Scripture? How does it help us make sense of the whole Bible? Why does it matter in the Christian life? This course will systematically present biblical teaching on covenant theology as understood and taught within the Reformed tradition. We will seek to answer relevant questions (old and new), analyze current controversies, and apply what we learn to life and ministry.

Course Recordings:

These lectures are posted weekly until the class is complete and the YouTube playlist can be followed here.

These recordings were from Pastor Kevin DeYoung's Covenant Theology course taught at Reformed Theological Seminary Charlotte and were recorded during the Spring 2024 semester.