
Losing Hope for the Sinner in Our Life

April 11, 2013

Guest Blogger: Jason Helopoulos

Many of us have friends, sons, daughters, wives, and husbands who we struggle to keep hope alive for. They are resistant to the Gospel. Their lives are not only filled with sin, but dominated and controlled by it. Some of the sins they have committed or engaged in are so heinous that their estate can seem hopeless. If that is the case, we need to be reminded that by God’s account it is not hopeless. Though it seems impossible, He majors in the seemingly impossible. As a Christian, we know this. We give voice to it and statements like this easily roll off our lips. But when we are staring it in the face and have seen them fall back into sin again, we can waiver in doubt.

How do we remedy this? At least one way is to think about heaven. As I think of heaven, I think of the people who God has readily saved from such entanglements. Have you ever thought about the guest list at the Feast of the Lamb? It is shocking to say the least! Do you realize who will be in heaven? There will be murderers in heaven–the Apostle Paul will be there. There will be thieves in heaven–the thief on the cross will be there. There will be adulterers in heaven–King David will be there. There will be polygamists in heaven–Jacob will be there. There will be liars in heaven–the Apostle Peter will be there. There will be prostitutes in heaven–Rahab will be there. There will be idolaters in heaven–we will be there. Yes, all redeemed. All saved by grace through faith. All standing in the righteousness of Christ. And that is exactly the point. Whatever sin has a hold , no matter what a person has done, or is doing–there will be sinners saved by grace in heaven, who struggled with this same disquieting sin or myriad of sins.

Let’s not lose hope for those around us. Let us be Christians who gaze at every sinner with compassion. But even more than that. Let’s strive by grace to be Christians who, at all times and with all people, look upon them with true hope. Hope that God can do a mighty work in their life and draw them unto Himself. You see, He can and He does. Don’t stop praying for your loved ones. Don’t walk past the sinner you think is too far gone. Don’t give up on sharing the Gospel. God can save the worst of sinners–He saved you, He saved me.

This content was originally published on The Gospel Coalition

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