
A Critical Look at Critical Theory with Carl Trueman

In his new book To Change All Worlds: Critical Theory from Marx to Marcuse, Carl Trueman argues that “Critical theory [sees] any notion of human nature as merely an ideological or social construct, a function of discourses of power.” Even though critical theory makes for dense reading, and is probably very little read by people in the pew, the ideas and assumptions of critical theory have shaped our world in undeniable ways. Listen in as Kevin and Carl talk about what critical theory is, where it came from, and how the church can provide a better, truer, and more beautiful alternative.

Books & Everything:

ESV Men's Study Bible

Here We Stand

Puritan Treasures for Today

Westminster Theological Seminary Biblical Language Certificate

To Change All Worlds: Critical Theory from Marx to Marcuse

From Frankfurt to Fox: The Strange Career of Critical Theory