
Evaluating the Thought of Cornelius Van Til with Keith Mathison and James Anderson

It is hard to exaggerate the influence of Cornelius Van Til (1895–1987) in conservative Reformed circles over the past hundred years. And yet, there continues to be much discussion about what Van Til believed and how he meant for his apologetic ideas to be put into practice. Kevin welcomes Keith Mathison, from Reformation Bible College, to discuss his new book Toward a Reformed Apologetics: A Critique of the Thought of Cornelius Van Til (Mentor). Also joining Kevin is James Anderson, a leading Van Tilian philosopher and a fellow RTS Charlotte colleague. In this stimulating conversation, Kevin talks to Keith and James about what Van Til got right, where he made some mistakes, and whether Van Tilians and non-Van Tilians are all that different when it comes to defending the faith in practice.

ESV Teen Study Bible

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Westminster Theological Seminary Biblical Language Certificate

Toward a Reformed Apologetics: A Critique of the Thought of Cornelius Van Til