
Politics after Christendom with David VanDrunen

Any Christian trying to formulate a political theology cannot afford to ignore the impressive work done by David VanDrunen over the past decade. In this long-ish interview, Kevin asks Dave about two kingdoms theology, natural law, the purpose of government, and the importance of the Noahic Covenant. Stick around and you'll also learn what VanDrunen means by "conservative liberalism" and "legal polycentrism." You'll also hear what Kevin and Dave would do (or not do) if they were starting a Presbyterian colony on Mars.

Books & Everything:

Politics after Christendom: Political Theology in a Fractured World

O Come, O Come, Emmanuel: A Liturgy for Daily Worship from Advent to Epiphany

Ask Pastor John

Ask Pastor John: 750 Bible Answers to Life's Most Important Questions