
Westminster Divines, Spiritual Warfare, and the Neglected Practice of Hospitality with Chad Van Dixhoorn

It’s not every day you get to hear from the world’s expert on the Westminster Assembly (and who among us does not wish to know more about the Westminster Assembly?!). So sit back and enjoy this freewheeling conversation as Kevin and Chad talk about a guy named John Arrowsmith, the importance of pastoral hospitality, issues of church and state, and how Chad’s profession of faith split his childhood church. Lots of nerdy Presbyterian talk with the occasional mention of hot dogs as well.  

Books & Everything:

Everyday Gospel: A Daily Devotional Connecting Scripture to All of Life

Crossway Plus

Here We Stand

Puritan Treasures for Today

Westminster Theological Seminary Biblical Language Certificate

Confessing the Faith: A Reader's Guide to the Westminster Confession of Faith

Plans for Holy War: How the Spiritual Soldier Fights, Conquers, and Triumphs