What the 2020 Election Means
In this episode of Life and Books and Everything, Kevin, Collin, & Justin wrestle with the current state of the 2020 election. Why doesn’t it seem to be a clear victory for the Left or the Right? What does it mean for the church? Does your vote have an inherent meaning, or is it entirely dependent upon your intentions? And they do indulge in just the right amount of rank punditry.
College Football [1:32 – 5:05]
Talking about the Election [5:05 – 33:11]
Does a vote have an inherent meaning? [33:11 – 48:48]
Alex Trebek [48:48 – 59:06]
What book, movie, or music do you go to when you need to reorient yourself?[59:06 – 1:08:49]
Book & Music Recommendations:
- The old, red United Methodist Hymnal
- The Heidelberg Catechism
- The Valley of Vision
- Preaching & Preachers by D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones
- any systematic theology
- The Planets, mvt. 4, “Jupiter” (Thaxted) by Gustav Holst
- The Mission: Original Soundtrack from the Motion Picture by Ennio Morricone
- Psalm 131
- “God Moves in a Mysterious Way” by William Cowper
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