
Preaching and Preachers

February 9, 2012

In the spring of 1969, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones gave a series of lectures at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia that explored the nature of preaching and made a stirring defense for the centrality of preaching. These lectures were published in March 1972 as Preaching and Preachers. This fortieth anniversary edition is being released both to honor the legacy of Lloyd-Jones and to introduce a new generation to his wisdom and passion. When it came to preaching, the Doctor was unusually gifted, unusually insightful, and unusually opinionated. You’ll find that the message of this book is just as timely and lively today as it was four decades ago.

This new edition, which I edited, contains the original text of the 1972 edition. The content of the original messages has not been altered. But a few other elements have been added that should make this popular book even more accessible.

  • Subheadings have been added to aid in reading.
  • There are now questions at the close of each chapter for use in group discussion or personal reflection.
  • In addition, several contemporary preachers have written essays discussing the impact of this book and the influence Lloyd-Jones has had on their own lives. You’ll find new essays from Bryan Chapell, Mark Dever, Ligon Duncan, Timothy Keller, John Piper, and myself. Our aim is to serve the church by directing a new generation of preachers to this deserving classic.

I know of no other book on preaching that will motivate you to preach like this one will. Pastors will rediscover the romance of preaching. Christians in general will be better equipped to understand the preaching task and why it must have pride of place in the church’s ministry. I love this book because I believe God can use it to make better preachers and encourage better preaching. There is no more vital task. For as the pulpit goes, so goes the church.

This post is adapted from my “Note from the Editor.”

This content was originally published on The Gospel Coalition

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