
Quick Thoughts on T4G

April 14, 2012

It was a great week in Louisville, but barely a minute to kick back and let some spiritual digestion take place. But here are several brief reflections, in no particular order.

1. I am returned to my “normal” life feeling grateful for friendships and amazed by the gospel. I am eager to preach this Sunday (if only I had a sermon).

2. The singing was tremendous, especially the last night. If you can’t be moved in your heart to join 7500 Christians singing great theology as loud as they can, you are either very depressed or not a Christian.

3. Our wives are amazing. They send us off, take care of the kids by themselves, and support us in so many ways. Thanks honey. You’re better than I deserve.

4. Justin Taylor blogs faster than most people think.

5. All the messages cohered remarkably well. More than any other T4G I thought this conference built on itself consistently and gloriously throughout the week.

6. Friends are precious. Relationships rooted in the gospel are among God’s greatest gifts.

7. I can’t speak highly enough of the other eight plenary speakers. We shared every lunch and dinner together during the conference. The conversation was punctuated with laughter, but was weighty, encouraging, and provoking. It’s not always the case that you get to know eight men better and like every one of them even more.

8. Gratitude. Gratitude. Gratitude. Thankful for the preaching. Thankful for the men from my church who there. Thankful my dad and brother-in-law could be there. Thankful for the church I now return to. Thankful to be back at home with my family. Thankful to eat pizza tonight. Thankful for the cross. Surely the lines have fallen for me in pleasant places.

This content was originally published on The Gospel Coalition

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