Trusting God for Our Lot in Life
So they all had to learn the very important lesson – to trust the Lord who literally drew the lot for where they would live that would determine so much of their life. There are all sorts of things you cannot control.
Dividing the Land, Trusting the Lord
God has given you gifts, abilities, opportunities, skills, most of you some kind of education, capacity, not equally but He has given something to all of you. God promises to be with you. So go venture out, settle down, live, work for His glory.
A Very Special Episode with Justin Taylor and Collin Hansen
There has been concern that Justin and Collin have been kept out of the “very special guest” designation. This episode makes up for that.
Does James Contradict Paul?
No Christian denies that justification is by faith. That is an obvious biblical teaching. But is justification by faith alone?
A Life of Hope and Hurdles with Andre Levrone and Sydney McLaughlin-Levrone
Listen to this special episode as Kevin asks elite athletes about the pressure of being the best and the freedom of being in Christ.
At the start of 2025, 15,000 students and young adults attended CROSS Conference in Louisville, KY. Here is Kevin’s panel discussion and main talk during the conference.
Jesus, A Savior for Sinners
More than someone to make your wildest dreams come true, more than a political liberator, more than even a caring friend, more than the transformer of cultures, more than giving purpose to the purposeless, Jesus is a Savior for sinners.
Introducing the Podcast ‘Doctrine Matters with Kevin DeYoung’
Join bestselling author and pastor Kevin DeYoung as he walks through the most important theological topics over the course of a full year.
Rejoicing Exceedingly with Great Joy
The only proper response, the saving response, is worship and wonder and to be at the foot of this great King, deliriously happy.
Help for Those Who Long for Lasting Change
We can think of doctrine as being interesting to seminary students, to pastors, or just certain very intellectual people in the church. But doctrine is very practical for living a godly Christian life.
God With Us
Love will save the world. Yes and amen. And why did the world need saving? Because it was awash in sin, in darkness, in God-thumbing rebellion.
Divine Impassibility
As the Westminster Confession states, “God is without body, parts, or passions.” Why should Christians still affirm divine impassibility?
A Special Christmas Episode from ‘The Biggest Story’
Please enjoy these two stories “A New Baby and a New Beginning” and “Wise Men, Smart Move” read by Mike Reeves.
The Genesis of Jesus
Jesus came from a family with a pretty gnarled, knotted up family tree. That’s the point. He came to save not the righteous but sinners. It is a very deliberate theological, stylized genealogy to show us where He came from and the sort of people for whom He came.
Did the Son of God Leave Heaven When He Came to Earth?
In the hypostatic union, the two natures—human and divine—are joined in one person, yet “without confusion” and “without change” (Chalcedonian Definition).
It’s Christmastime with Justin Taylor and Collin Hansen
Listen in as the three amigos talk about Christmas movies, favorite books, which LBE member is the most like Jerry Seinfeld.
Face the Right Direction
You think this is why Jesus said there’s more rejoicing in heaven when one sinner repents? Why? Because that sinner who was cold, colder, coldest, North Pole… Warm. They’re facing the right direction. They’re going in the right way.
From Compromise to Captivity
Just like the prophets of old. Turn. Turn. It doesn’t have to be this way. You don’t have to face complete destruction. You don’t have to be in terrible distress.
What Is the Mission of the Church? with Brian DeVries
Mission is one of those words that Christians use all the time. So are words like “missions” and “missionaries.” But what do they mean?
Can I Passionately Follow Jesus and Not Care About Good Doctrine?
The real heart affection that’s going to burn bright and is going to last must be connected to that knowledge, deep doctrine, and precision or carefulness with what we believe.
3 Questions about Creation: Who, How, and Why?
In this article, Kevin considers the creation of the universe with three principal questions we can ask: Who? How? and Why?
A Beautiful Inheritance
I often think of Psalm 16:6, and I hope you’ll think of this verse in a new way after this sermon and the ones to follow. Psalm 16:6 – The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance.
The Particulars of the Promise
Our text this morning is Joshua chapter 15. We’ve been in a series in this book since the beginning of the fall/end of the summer, and we’ll go one more week, next week Joshua 16 and 17, Lord willing, and we’ll take a three-week break. Yes, we will take a little break from land allotment
Top 10 Books of 2024
Kevin found these books from 2024 to be a strong combination of thoughtful, useful, interesting, helpful, insightful, and challenging.