
Summer Plans

June 18, 2018

Today will (likely) be my last blog post for a couple months.

I will be out of the office, out of the pulpit, and off of social media (as much as possible) for most of this summer (June 18-August 19 to be precise).

What will I be doing?

I need to finish turning my Canons of Dort series into a book and get that to Crossway. I have a couple small encyclopedia articles to write. And I hope to visit both sides of my family at some point.

The main task, however, is to finish my PhD dissertation. I have roughly one and half chapters (out of six) left to write. The goal is to finish a draft of the thesis by the end of August, incorporate my supervisor’s feedback in September, and then formally submit in October. If all goes according to plan, I will travel to the UK in December or January to defend my thesis. I’ve enjoyed the doctoral program and am glad I undertook this journey. But now the end is in sight, and that’s a very good thing.

If you feel so led, pray for me and my family and my church as I take these two months “off” to complete my doctoral work. I am immensely grateful for this summer study leave and hope to get some rest, play with my kids, read some books, and manage to be wonderfully productive at the same time.

Grace and peace.

This content was originally published on The Gospel Coalition

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