
The Front Porch

September 19, 2013

“Conversations about biblical faithfulness in the African American church and beyond.”

That’s a great one sentence summary of a new venture called The Front Porch. The name speaks to the importance of the front porch in African American communities–the front porch as a place for gathering, a place for conversation, a place for hashing things out, a place for exhortation, a place for disagreement, a place for food and fellowship, a place for talking about the things that matter most.

I am thrilled to commend this new website and this new initiative. No one asked me say anything about it. No one needs my commendation. But I can’t help but think The Front Porch represents something unique and precious in the church in our day. Of all the things happening in the evangelical church, I believe that looking back, generations from now, the most significant may prove to be the resurgence and redevelopment of strong, biblical theology in the African American church.

You’ll get a better idea for The Front Porch from the video below, featuring Louis Love, Thabiti Anyabwile, and Tony Carter…on the front porch. I’ve read Louis, know Tony, and count Thabiti one of my dear friends. I have learned much from him, been challenged frequently by him, and consider him one of the finest pastors I know anywhere. Period. I can’t wait to stop by his front porch and learn from him and from many others in this incredibly significant conversation.


This content was originally published on The Gospel Coalition

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