
Transfer Conference

May 11, 2013

Here’s another worthwhile conference on May 25-28 in Orlando, FL.

Here’s the information straight from Sovereign Grace Ministries:

This reality is what lies behind Transfer, a four-day gathering (May 25-28, 2013) hosted by the churches of Sovereign Grace Ministries. Transfer exists to celebrate and proclaim those biblical truths and values that are most important to pass on from one generation to the next. For values to be transferred, they must be seen, taught, and experienced in daily life, not simply at a conference. For that reason,Transfer is designed both to equip and inspire you to view your life, generation, and church as part of a much larger tapestry God is weaving for his glory. You are not alone. And at Transfer you’ll have the opportunity to join with different generations to celebrate and be strengthened in the values we treasure most.

Why this conference?

That the next generation might set their hope in God… Psalm 78:4, 7 says: “We will not hide them from their children, but tell to the coming generation the glorious deeds of the Lord, and his might, and the wonders that he has done… so that they should set their hope in God and not forget the works of God, but keep his commandments.” We want to transfer what matters. We want those after us to see how glorious a relationship with Jesus is. We want them to hope in God – not in our methodologies, our practices, our structures, or even our example, but in God himself. Drawing on our history as a family of churches and the amazing truths we celebrate, the Transfer Conference will create a context for us to intentionally transfer the things we treasure to the next generation. If we assume these things, we will lose them, so we must be intentional to transfer them. In a focused way, Transfer will allow us to do this by devoting each session to a particular truth we collectively treasure: God’s glory, God’s gospel, God’s word, God’s presence, God’s people, God’s design, and God’s mission.

Who should come?

Transfer is for… Young Adults. Transfer will be geared especially toward young adults (18 and over). If you’re a young adult, your season of life is an ideal time to become grounded in the things that matter most. As you seek out which things are of first importance, we want you to be established in the truths we treasure.

Transfer is for… Teens. If you’re a teenager, you also need to explore the things that matter most. We want to partner with your parents in passing on the most important things to you.

Transfer is for… Parents. If you’re a parent of a teen, you are already doing a lot of transferring. This conference can be refreshing to you as you come with your teen and hear the truths we love once again.

It’s for… Anyone. If you don’t fit into any of the categories above, but just want to come, press into the Lord with his people, and be amazed by the things that have been amazing us for so long as a family of churches, you’re welcome to come.

This content was originally published on The Gospel Coalition

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