
When Solomon Tweeted

June 18, 2013

Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own eyes.

RT @KingSolomon Answer a fool according to his folly, lest you be like him yourself. // Very subtle dude! Talk to me in person next time!

Hey folks, check out Solomon. He’s at it again. Typical! RT @KingSolomon Answer a fool according to his folly, lest you be like him yourself.

@SonsOfAdonijah @MoabiteMan At least everyone can see what he’s really like. #insults #namecalling #immature

Hey @KingSolomon, at least have the guts to tell who u r talking about.

Don’t bother @MoabiteMan, he won’t give you an answer. #yellowbellied

Did I miss something? How do we know hes thinking about anyone in particular?

@QueenOfSheba, do they teach you grammar in Queen School? Can I buy an apostrophe please?! #he’s

Hilarious. I just think @KingSolomon usually makes a lot of sense.

@QueenOfSheba, I’d say he makes more money than he makes sense!

Boom goes the dynamite! @EdomRules @QueenOfSheba

Great stuff here. RT @KingSolomon Answer a fool according to his folly, lest you be like him yourself.

RT @King Solomon Answer a fool according to his folly, lest you be like him yourself. // Nice! #crazymadwisdom

Fan boys! @KingLemuel @Agur_iffic

Seriously, this has to stop. I thought the God of Israel was better than this.

The God I worship doesn’t call his beloved creatures fools.

Still no answer from @KingSolomon. Figures. The guy is too busy counting his gold and killing my people. #hypocrite

I wonder if he knows the pain he’s caused. Runs in the family. #rememberuriah

@EdomRules@MoabiteMan I guess we’re just “fools.” Not worth the king’s time

RT @EdomRules @MoabiteMan I guess we’re just “fools.” Not worth the king’s time. // Probably working on those fortune cookie thingys! #latetotheparty

Or planning another wedding!!

Or collecting more exotic animals. #cruelty #baboonsareourfriends #animalshavefeelingstoo

I just hope @KingSolomon can learn from this mistake and stop these hurtful tweets.

Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest you be like him yourself.

This content was originally published on The Gospel Coalition

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