
It’s February 10-11 at University Reformed Church in East Lansing, Michigan. You should think about coming.

1. Bob Kauflin is our speaker. He’s really good. A godly man who leads in music with excellence and is among the most insightful voices on worship today. He’ll be leading in worship and giving four sessions on worship. Bob will also be preaching Sunday morning at URC.

2.The conference is put together by several churches with the involvement of several pastors. We have Baptists, Sovereign Gracers, Presbyterians, and the Reformed all working on this in friendly cooperation.

3. Smallish in size. I benefit from really big conferences. But small conferences provide a unique atmosphere of intimacy and comradery. We will have a few hundred at Magnify.

4. Affordable in cost. The conference is only $25. Come on, you can’t go to Applebees for that price. We keep our expenses low and subsidize some of the cost so price doesn’t have to be an obstacle.

5. Worship. What is more important than worship? This isn’t just for pastors and worship leaders. This is a conference for everyone who loves to worship our gracious and glorious God.

Think about coming. More information is at the conference website.