In print and online, these exclusive articles include evergreen topics to further develop your walk with God. We aim to create 6-12 each year.
Kevin DeYoung explores why the Bible does not support transgenderism and how God has created each of us as either male or female.
Read moreWe can be known for “prophetic” political commentary or we can be known for textually careful, biblically rich, theologically deep, church-focused gospel ministry.
Over the last 25 years, I have read dozens of books about preaching. I have learned something from almost all of them.
There is no rational calculation that can explain why men would throw away a lifetime of ministry faithfulness for a few moments of fleeting pleasure.
In the hypostatic union, the two natures—human and divine—are joined in one person, yet “without confusion” and “without change” (Chalcedonian Definition).
Unless we have all the blessings and spiritual realities enjoyed by the nation of Israel in the Old Testament, we should not try to adopt, for our nation, the government given to Israel.
Pastor Kevin DeYoung dives into church history and surveys the life of St. Boniface and his gospel-work to the Germans.
Who was responsible for the death of Christ? There is more than one true thing we can (and should) say in response to that question.
In this article, Kevin suggests two ways to make our arguments harder, which, in this case, means better, more careful, and more persuasive.
Kevin DeYoung explores why the Bible does not support transgenderism and how God has created each of us as either male or female.
Pastor Kevin DeYoung explores what the Bible tells us about the personal qualities we should hope to find in our political leaders.
Whether the service is done in a church or in a reception hall, whether it is meant to be a Christian service or a secular commitment ceremony, a gay wedding declares what is false to be true and calls evil good.
Carefulness is the one category without which the other three categories will not be helpful and cannot be perfected.
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