
We are extremely blessed to have a full-time biblical counselor on staff at our church. Pat Quinn is just what a counselor should be–wise, knowledgeable, patient, caring, and focused on the gospel. I’m grateful for all the hard, glorious, messy work he does.

Over at the Biblical Counseling Coalition blog, Pat has written a nice piece on why he loves church-based counseling. It’s worth reading. I like his first point in particular because I hadn’t really thought about it before.

First of all, no one has to pay me anything! I’m so thankful that the church pays my salary so I can counsel for free. Congregants appreciate it too. It feels more in line with gospel ministry (“freely you have received; freely give”) and I think it promotes a less “professional” and more pastoral relationship.

I’ve often wondered in “pay for service” counseling how anyone knows whether the counselee got her money’s worth at a particular counseling session. How much do insights, practical suggestions, or encouragements cost? Some days I might feel the need to give them a refund! I’m also glad I don’t feel pressure to meet only for one hour or for only a certain number of weeks, etc. I like the flexibility to meet longer or shorter, depending on what’s happening and what the needs are.

Read the whole thing.